I tried several of the storyboards offered on the Thing blog. I thought they were all very useful and adaptable for the classroom. However, in using it is the library I found it more difficult to save and print them. My favorite would have been the
Digitales one. I like the way it offers students an opportunity to look at setting, characters, lighting, camera shots, etc. I used this for my book trailer. However, when I went to save it, all of the slides were not on the saved document. So I decided to just use Keynote for my storyboard. I could make a template for a storyboard to keep and use in the library offering more direction for specifics on the slides. Planning is so important and using the storyboard helps me focus on the elements I want to put in my scenes for the movie. Sometimes, I just want to create something and get it out. But planning makes me focus on details and adds more creativity to my thinking when producing a product.
My storyboard